What is it?
• Spaying (ovariohysterectomy) is the removal of the ovaries and uterus of the female pet.
• Neutering (orchiectomy) is the removal of the testicles of the male pet.

How is it performed?
• When a pet is spayed or neutered, the veterinarian will surgically remove the reproductive organs to prevent the pet from having puppies or kittens. 

What are the benefits?
• Benefits of spaying include the prevention of mammary cancer and Pyometra (infected uterus).
• Spaying eliminates heat cycles, unwanted pets, and may prevent urine "marking" in the house.
• Benefits of neutering include prevention of prostate diseases and certain types of anal or testicular tumors.
• Spaying and neutering may also reduce behaviors such as mounting and aggression.

When is the ideal time to spay/neuter my animal?
• The traditional age for spaying or neutering is approximately 6 months, however any animal as young as 8 weeks can have the procedure.
• However, spaying and neutering can be performed at just about any age. 

What follow-up care is needed?
• Most patients will go home the same day provided there are no complications.
• Activity should be restricted for the week following surgery.
• Nutritional recommendations may be advised by your veterinarian.
• Incisions should be monitored for redness, swelling, pain, or discharge.
• Any stitches will be removed within 7 to 10 days following surgery.