What is it?
• Notoedric mange (known as feline scabies) is a highly contagious skin mite that typically only affects cats, although dogs, foxes, and rabbits can also be infected.
• It is also contagious to people.
• The mites are related to sarcoptic mange in dogs. 

• Notoedric mange is considered rare in regional “hot beds” such as Southern California.

What causes it?
• Feline scabies is caused by a surface-dwelling mite, Notoedrus Cati, that leads to small, red bumps on the skin, thickening of the skin, and tightly adherent yellow crusts.
• Scabs of a yellow-grey color and thickened skin appear on the ears and rapidly spread to the rest of the face.
• Lesions may become widespread, spreading to the area under the tail and the feet.
• The condition leads to severe scratching, which can cause secondary bacterial infections. 

What tests are needed?
• Veterinarians will remove the scabs with a dull scalpel and examine under a microscope.
• A skin biopsy may also be necessary to identify the mite.

How is it treated?
• All cats in the household must be treated, because the mite is highly contagious.
• One therapy available is removing the scabs and debris with shampoo and applying a lime sulfur dip weekly for 6-8 weeks.
• Selamectin (Revolution) is a topical cream available that is applied twice, 4 weeks apart.
• Ivermectin is an injectable medication that can be very effective when given in small doses to a cat every 2 weeks for 3 - 6 treatments.
• Moxidectin (Advantage Multi) is another monthly topical flea treatment that is effective against Notoedric mange and continued monthly use should prevent future infections. 

What follow up care is needed?
• With adequate treatment, the itch and scabs will disappear.
• If symptoms persist, the cat should be re-evaluated. 


What is it?
• Canine scabies, or sarcoptic mange, is a highly contagious skin disease caused by a mite that burrows in the skin causing intense itching and irritation.
• This disease can also affect humans and cats, but is more common in dogs, coyotes, and foxes.

What causes it?
• The disease is caused by sarcoptes scabiei, a burrowing mite that triggers an intense irritation of the skin.
• Scabies is a severe nonseasonal itch that is very intense and often accompanied by secondary skin signs.
• The most common cause of mange in dogs is exposure to another infected animal.
• Clinical signs include hair loss, redness, small red bumps, scabs, and dandruff.
• The top of the dog is usually unaffected; but the ears, elbows, ankles, and belly often show signs. 

What tests are needed?
• Sarcoptic mange is suspected in any dog with a severe itch.
• The diagnosis is typically confirmed after finding the mite, mite eggs, or mite fecal matter in the skin.
• Sometimes this diagnosis is made if mites are not found by the dog having a positive response to mite treatment.

How is it treated?
• In severe cases the dogs environment should be treated with anti-parasite spray.
• Topical therapy involves the application of medications such as scabicidal dip or shampoo, selamectin, or ivermectin.
• Oral medication can also be administered to kill the mites.
• Any secondary bacterial infections must also be treated appropriately withan antibiotic. 

What follow up care is needed?
• All animals in the household and any dogs that have been in contact with the infected dog must be treated.
• Ongoing treatment by your veterinarian is necessary to kill all of the mites as the mite eggs will take time to hatch.
• Further diagnostic tests may be necessary if clinical signs have not decreased.
• With adequate treatment, the prognosis is very good.